The "Space Tits" genre was born with the semi-brilliant Flesh Gordon (1974), and continued on with such semi-classics as 2069: A Sex Odyssey, Wham! Bam! Thank You, Spaceman!, and my personal favorite, the crotch blasting teased hair epic Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders.
However, just as porn ruined the sexploitation picture, the Space Tits genre was swept away into deep space with the softcore sci-fi genre (the likes of the ultra erotic Femalien).
The unsophisticated may have a hard time telling the two genres apart, but the hopelessly observant are well aware that Space Tits films were playfully stupid spoofs of the genre, peppering in nudity in order to add to the dumbness quotient. Take, for example, a Benny Hill episode, where the busty assistant tells captain Hill that he needs to twist a dial, so he gives one of her knockers a squeeze to an accompanying “boink” sound. That’s the kind of “erotic” humor you might see in a Space Tits movie, where as the erotic humor in a softcore sci-fi film is a precursor to a sex scene designed to get your pants around your ankles. Playful sexual teasing became passé and was replaced with Skinemax masturbation fodder. Let us mourn a golden time when tits could be played for laughs.
Take, for example, one of the first lines of dialogue, where a T.V. host introduces a variety show that is “live from Uranus”. I know this is probably a perfunctory throwaway line, but it's also a perfect example of the level of humor we’re talking about here. Here is the most token pun imaginable within the realm of the sci-fi comedy, yet it doesn’t make sense on a basic structural level. Even if you are towing around an epic caboose, there’s no way an entire variety show could take place in your ass, and even if it did, surely you would quickly figure it out and wouldn’t need to be told by some guy on T.V. In most comedies, that would be a problem, but in the Space Tits genre, stupidity trumps comedy even when the movie is trying to be funny. Rather than being a stupid comedy per se, the comedy is a vessel for stupidity. It’s a conundrum, I know.

You’re probably wondering what the plot of the movie is, and so am I kinda even after having seen it multiple times. Basically, our heroes are flying an Enterprise-esque police cruiser (“in space, no one can hear your siren”) when they are ordered on a special mission to locate the all-important “blue star”, which is so important to the fate of the galaxy that a chorus of voices sing every time someone mentions it. This mission entails going way off course on a 54 year detour. As the police chief notes when ordering the assignment, “hey, think of the overtime!”. You know what, that’s a nice piece of business right there. Much of the humor is too stupid or nonsensical to really get a direct hit on the funny bone, but an occasional gem does slip though.

In charge of the crew is Captain Butt, who sports a Jew-fro and stache, which is always an ill-fitting look for an authority figure. He enters the main section of the ship to the tune of “Thus Spake Zarathrusta”, which is exactly how Ric Flair used to come to the ring. Was The Nature Boy inspired by Galaxina to take his ring entrance to the next level? It's possible, but I'll go ahead and chalk it up to cosmic kismet.
Butt also likes to tell bad jokes, or to put it another way, the other crew members are the butt of Butt’s bad jokes. That one was on the house folks. Now, these aren’t “ha ha funny” corny jokes, but straight up failed attempts at humor. You know what, the other crew members don’t laugh at these jokes, so maybe they're supposed to be bad. Trying to separate stupid humor from intentionally bad humor is frankly headache-inducing. Either way, the movie is consistently amusing, so maybe it’s comedic tone is entirely calculated. Maybe it takes a certain amount of intellect to craft something this stupid. Holy shit, I can feel my cranium expanding and it fucking hurts. I better stop analyzing this shit.

One little detail that caught my eye was a sign in front of the restaurant saying “Grand Opening – Under New Management”. So basically, a grand re-opening. We all know a "grand re-opening" is a lie and a contradiction in terms, and you can't get around that by acting like the first opening didn't count because the management at the time was shitty. I know, I know, I just need to relax.

I'll leave you with some hidden symbolism I do believe

A good companion piece to Galaxina is an episode of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, one of the greatest shows ever, and certainly the greatest showcase for skintight space disco outfits. Dorothy plays Miss Cossmos, the most perfect beauty queen in all the galaxy (as opposed to Galaxina, who is the most perfectly beautiful robot in all the galaxy). She’s aboard an intergalactic cruise ship, enjoying being able to lounge around in a bikini and painting whilst everyone else grooves to some space disco on the star floor.