Friday, May 17, 2013

My Three Year Anniversary!

It's kinda crazy to think that I've been blogging for three years. That's an eternity in internet time. Now that everybody is doing the Tumblir thing and the Facebook stuff and the Friendstering out the wazoo, it feels like I'm a dinosaur clinging to outdated technology, producing long winded screeds in an era of 30 second media bites. 

Nevertheless, I've changed with the times by posting more screen shots and GIFs and shit. But rest assured, I will continue to write long reviews about movies nobody gives a shit about. My posting has slowed down considerably this year because I am a busy boy with a proclivity for cat naps, but I will try to post something at least once a week. You can't rush genius folks. Rushing genius only leads to garbled nonsense, crushing disappointment, and splitting headaches. 

So, I'd like to thank all of the cretins that have read any of my stuff over the past three years. I'm sincerely touched that you have nothing better to do. Really I am. Without you folks, this birthday party would be pathetic and sad. Now, here's a toast to three more years.


  1. Congrats, buddy! And I feel you... I often long for the days before Facebook more or less killed off the sense of community with/importance of blogging, but oh well. As busy as I've been with the podcast (well, not at the moment, but you know what I mean) I refuse to abandon my little ol' blog. Anyway, keep up the great work.
    -Death Rattle Aaron (too lazy to log back into my account)

  2. Thanks! I'm perpetually out of the loop, but it seems to me that people are more into Tumblir and Facebook than blogs nowadays, and some of the long running blogs I read are dying off. Keep the faith brah!

  3. Kudos on making it to three years. So, where's the link to your tumblr? ;)

    1. If I start a Tumblr, you'll be the first to know. ;) And Kudos up your wazoo!

  4. Congrats, and here's to long reviews - may they never die!

  5. Thanks tons for keeping this work going!

    1. Multiple tons? That's a lot of thanks! Well, thank you back tons for reading.

  6. Whoo hoo! Party hats and pinatas for all!

    1. Wait a second...everybody gets a pinata? How much violence and candy does one party need?!?

      Thanks for stopping by as always. :)
